Current Funding Opportunities

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
Program provides federal grant funds to protect important natural areas, acquire land for outdoor recreation and to develop or renovate public outdoor recreation facilities such as campgrounds, picnic areas, sports and playfields, swimming facilities, boating facilities, fishing facilities, trails, natural areas, and passive parks.
Application deadline: May 31, 2024
Match: 50% matching reimbursement (cash or in-kind)
Application Minimum: $25,000  Maximum: $250,000

Recreational Trails Program (RTP)
Program provides federal grant funds for assistance in acquisition of easements, development and/or maintenance of recreational trails and trailhead facilities for both non-motorized and motorized use.
Application deadline: May 31, 2024
Match: 20% matching reimbursement (cash or in-kind)
Application Minimum: $25,000   Maximum $250,000

KOHS Homeland Security Grant Program
Program provides federal funding to build, sustain, and deliver capabilities necessary to prevent, prepare for, and protect against, and respond to acts of terrorism. Projects must (1) demonstrate a terroristic preparedness nexus, (2) address threats and hazards identified in the State’s Threat and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessments (THIRAs) and the corresponding National Core Capabilities, and (3) fall under an identified National Priority Area or Enduring Security Need.
Application deadline: April 22, 2024
Match: encouraged but not required

Community Development Block Grant
Program provides assistance to communities in revitalizing neighborhoods, expanding affordable housing and economic opportunities, and providing and/or improving community facilities and services.
Application deadline: September 2, 2024 (can vary by category)
Match: 10-50% based on category of application

Delta Regional Authority States Economic Development Assistance Program (SEDAP)
Program provides funding for projects related to basic public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure for the purpose of facilitating economic development, business development, and job training or employment-related education.
Application deadline: June 4, 2024
Match: 10% unless infrastructure project in a distressed county

Delta Regional Authority Community Infrastructure Fund (CIF)
Program provides funding for projects related to basic public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure for the purpose of facilitating economic development, business development, and job training or employment-related education.
Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
Match: 10% for non-distressed communities

Delta Regional Authority Strategic Planning Program
Program will give public entities access to strategic planning funds to address long-standing issues and develop a roadmap for economic growth and opportunity. Applicants for this program have the autonomy to apply for a plan that fits the unique needs and challenges in their community. Eligible plans include, but are not limited to, economic development plans, utility rate studies, transportation plans, workforce development plans, and broadband deployment plans.
Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
Application Minimum: $25,000 Maximum $150,000
Match: not required

Economic Development Administration – Economic Adjustment Assistance Program
Program provides investments that support a wide range of non-construction and construction activities in regions experiencing severe economic dislocations. EDA supports bottom-up strategies that build on regional assets to spur economic growth and resiliency.
Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
Match: 20% (cash)

For more information or assistance in applying for any of these programs, please contact the PADD Community & Economic Development staff at 270-886-9484 or via email:

Amy Frogue – [email protected]
Jared Nelson – [email protected]
Jessica Kaminski – [email protected]
Brian Jones – [email protected]



