PADD Board of Directors December 2017 Monthly Meeting

​Pennyrile Area Development District held their annual Christmas Board Luncheon and Legislative Update on December 11, 2017 at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. Board Chair Lori Harper called the meeting to order at 12:00 Noon CST and introduced Commissioner Donnie Holland, Department of Kentucky Parks, who welcomed guests. Federal reports were provided by Jason Hasert (Senator Rand Paul), Morgan Alvey (Senator Mitch McConnell) and Amelia Wilson ( Congressman James Comer). Kentucky State Legislators Senator Dorsey Ridley, Senator Stan Humphries, Senator C.B. Embry, Jr., Rep. Myron Dossett, Rep. Jim Gooch, Jr., Rep. Lynn Bechler, and Rep. Walker Thomas, provided information regarding the upcoming 2018 General Assembly Session in January. Chair Harper recognized former Senator Jerry Rhoads and Past PADD Executive Director Dan Bozarth. Jason Vincent, PADD Executive Director, expressed appreciation to Park Manager Peter Bowles and the staff at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park for a delicious meal, to our legislators and field representatives for their dedication and efforts on our behalf. Mr. Vincent welcomed new PADD Board Member, Mr. Adam Ledford, who was recently appointed to serve on the Board by Mayor Jared Byford, City of Marion. Information regarding upcoming meetings and important dates were provided in the December issue of the PADD Press. The PADD 2018 Legislative Priorities, 2018 KACo County Legislative Issues, and 2018 KLC Legislative Issues were provided in the Board Packets. The next meeting of the PADD Board of Directors will be on January 8, 2018. On behalf of Pennyrile ADD, Mr. Vincent thanked all guests for their attendance, support and wished them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



