Bradford Heights Health & Rehab
Bradford Heights Health & Rehab
950 Highpoint Drive
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Owner: Solterra Care Centers
Procedure for Admission: Contact Admission Director
Selection Criteria: Based on care needs
Not Accepted: Ventilator Dependent
Respite Care: Available
Laundry Charges: None
Personal Furniture: As space allows
Total Beds: 100
Total Rooms: 59 rooms, 18 private
Bathroom Facilities: All rooms have bathrooms
Telephone Services:
Television Services: Cable services available
Dining Room Capacity: 48
Menus Posted
Breakfast: 7:05am
Lunch: 11:30am
Dinner: 5:05pm
Therapy Services/Cost: Speech Therapy (in-house); Occupational Therapy; Physical Therapy
Doctors who visit regularly: Most general practice physicians
Beauty Salon: Residents transported to local beauty shop
Resident Council: Meets monthly
Family Council:
Safety: Wanderguard, low beds, smoke free facility
Weekly Church Services: Multiple denominations
Selection Criteria: Based on care needs
Not Accepted: Ventilator Dependent
Respite Care: Available
Laundry Charges: None
Personal Furniture: As space allows
Total Beds: 100
Total Rooms: 59 rooms, 18 private
Bathroom Facilities: All rooms have bathrooms
Telephone Services:
Television Services: Cable services available
Dining Room Capacity: 48
Menus Posted
Breakfast: 7:05am
Lunch: 11:30am
Dinner: 5:05pm
Therapy Services/Cost: Speech Therapy (in-house); Occupational Therapy; Physical Therapy
Doctors who visit regularly: Most general practice physicians
Beauty Salon: Residents transported to local beauty shop
Resident Council: Meets monthly
Family Council:
Safety: Wanderguard, low beds, smoke free facility
Weekly Church Services: Multiple denominations